
Project 5- Final Project

  "Plot Twist... I'm the Villain" Many times we like to associate ourselves with the heroes, the good guys. But I have always had a weak spot for the villains, so I turned myself into one. 

Project 5- Final Project Ideas

 I have been struggling with concepts, but I'm starting to get a relative idea of what direction I'm going in. That direction being magic .  This was my first concept idea. But I've started to stray from that idea.  This is where I'm at right now. I think I want to make myself into a superhero (or villain haha) but at least give myself magical powers. I definitely want to use more of my own photos for this project, so I'm planning on doing for photo shoots to get the pictures I want. 

Project 4- Visual Sequential Narrative- Final


Project 4- Visual Sequential Narrative- Progress

  This is just a section of what I'm planning, because I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate other images into a background. What I'm struggling with right now is figuring out if I want color in this piece and if so, where do I want it. With charcoal, everything is always black and white so I want whatever is colored to be for a reason or make sure that it stands out from everything else. I'm still not completely sure if I like where this is going but I don't completely hate it, which is a good sign. 

Project 4- Visual Sequential Narrative- Ideas

 So I'm still a little confused as to what exactly I'm going to do for this project, but at the moment I'm thinking I might focus on the process of a drawing. Especially my charcoal drawings, there is a lot that goes into the process and so I think that would be interesting to focus on. The process of my artwork has always been something really intriguing to me, and I love seeing how a piece progresses the more I work on it. That's all I have for right now so hopefully that will lead me somewhere.  Here are some of the photos I'm working with that I've taken. 

Project 3- The Cyclical Nature of Things- Final

 "To Build a World" That is the name of this piece because I wanted to show my favorite parts of reading, which is building that world in my head. Maps are one of my favorite parts of my books, they always have been. Maps are the first step into a new world. Throughout the book, when the reference a place or go somewhere new, you have to consistently go back to the map to see where they're talking about. I always make tea when I read, not really sure why if I'm being honest, but I just do. The Agatha Christie Mystery Collection is a cycle in itself, because these are my Grandma's favorite books. She told me and my sister that we would be getting all of them when she dies, and I plan on passing my books down to my kids when I die.